45 min Meditations

Frida and the gongs will take you on a journey through the universe of sounds and to yourself.

This 45 min. format represents the golden timing of one sleep cycle and is perfect for a deep relaxation and regeneration. 

For your personal use, enjoy!

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Voyage I

by Frida Möhres

Need to jump into the cold water and start all over with something new? VOYAGE I is about both calming and activating energy, so you will soon be swimming firmly in the new waters. It was mainly played with the 8 Corners of Heaven Gong and a little bit of Chiron, in a moment of my life when I was really confident and enthusiastic breaking free and starting into new endeavors. There are several silent breaks allowing for reflection. Simply rest through them. The session ends with koshi chime bell sound.

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Deep Connection

by Frida Möhres

No matter where we are physically or mentally, we always are connected - to the core within ourselves and to others. Listening to this DEEP CONNECTION meditation take a deep breath in, connect within yourself and feel the togetherness with the people you love. Feel the common heartbeat we all share in being alive. Short silent breaks allow for reflection. The session ends with koshi chime bell sound.


Relax + Rise

by Frida Möhres

Go on a deep imaginative RELAX + RISE sound journey. This meditation has been played in a minimalist way with just one gong and one pair of mallets providing a canvas of sound for evoking beautiful images for inner well being and relaxation.

45 min Relax + Rebirth

Relax + Rebirth

by Frida Möhres

RELAX + REBIRTH is all about evoking beautiful images for inner well being and rebirth. It was played with the 8 Corners of Heaven gong and soft mallets. Feel free to fall into deep and relaxing sleep right after listening to the session (it ends with koshi chime bell sound).

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Voyage IV

by Frida Möhres

Need a boost of good vibes and optimism? VOYAGE IV starts with a very activating short handheld gong sequence, then Jupiter is taking over which is all about expansion, optimism and growth. This planetary gong is tuned on the same frequency with which the planet is moving, so you can hear the sounds of the universe. Jupiter defines our role in society and helps finding answers to what is our individual purpose. Enjoy the journey.