Portrait: Christoph Köpfer, 2020
With Don Conreaux at Adelhaus, Berlin - Brandenburg, 2018
Playing a late - night event at Laboratorio Marte, Buenos Aires, 2016
As an adolescent various travels brought Frida Möhres to the South of miraculous India, emerging her into a world completely different from the one where she was born and raised in Germany. Amongst the important experience of living in a different culture, it has been her first encounter with meditation, sacral arts and the immense power of sound that can be witnessed when chanting mantras and playing ancestral instruments from this region. She was fascinated immediately and her perspective and life had changed forever.
In 2010, her studies in International Business Management in Berlin took her on an exchange year to Buenos Aires which would become her second home in the world, chosen by heart. A new era in her life began where she would also complete Interior Architecture studies, bond with friends who became her family on the other side of the world and start with Kundalini yoga which introduced her to the sound of the gong. She first studied playing the gong with Vanina Levi (Frecuencia Gong) in Buenos Aires back in 2015. Ever since she has been giving individual and group sessions and playing at larger events and puja nights.
Moving back to Berlin in 2018 she finally had the opportunity to study the Intermediate Gong Master Training taught by Don Conreaux, one of the Grand Gong Masters of our times. She is a certified Gong Teacher sharing her knowledge and experience to further spread the joy of playing this holistic instrument of sacred sound.
“MEM Gong Yoga of Holistic Resonance - Module III”, with Don Conreaux, Los Angeles - online, 2021
“MEM Gong Yoga of Holistic Resonance - Module II”, with Petra Trtnik and Tim Byford, Kotor, 2020
“Bau einer Körpertambura”, with Bernhard Deutz, Klangwerkstatt Deutz, Berlin, 2019
“Astrology Course 101 - Self-Development Through Astrology”, with Giorgia Pecora, Berlin, 2019
“MEM Gong Yoga of Holistic Resonance - Module I”, with Petra Trtnik and Tim Byford, Buljarica, 2019
“Therapeutische Arbeit mit Klängen”, with Marlen & Hartmut Schröder, Gerhard Tuschy, Steinbeis - Transfer - Institut, Berlin, 2019,
“Souverän, Authentisch, Erfolgreich: Wie Sie durch Ihre Stimme und Körpersprache überzeugen und begeistern”, with Laura Baxter, Abano, 2019
“Metal turns into Sound“, with Broder Oetken, Fokbeck, 2019
“Gong Teacher Training” with Don Conreaux, GongMuse, Maribor, 2019
“Intermediate Gong Master Training” with Don Conreaux, Kay Karl, Berlin, 2018
“Anrufung für den Heiligen Raum“, with Lina Launhardt, Berlin, 2016
”Progressive Workshop” with Dr. Joe Dispenza, Amsterdam, 2016
“Taller de Sonidos Esenciales” with Vanina Levi, Frecuencia Gong, Buenos Aires, 2015