How does Sound Healing work?

So often I hear yoga and meditation facilitators identifying as healers - this made me deeply wonder what it is that we are doing? Wouldn’t it require to be a medical doctor or a therapist to be a healer? Why is sound work referred to as sound healing? Which is our role in all this and how does sound produce such a strong effect?

Many questions opened up to me and I have been processing this for me personally during many years now. I am especially challenged each time I introduce new students into gong playing as of course it is an integral part of sharing my expertise and experience to be preparing new gong players for their work and for their role in this work.

It is all about remembering who we are.

In essence, we all are just divine beings in human form which implies that we already are perfect. We spend a lot of energy defining ourselves by setting ourselves apart but ultimately we are just part of a continuous flow of universal energy. Of energy holding together in form of matter for some time until falling apart again.

Sounds of gongs, singing bowls, tingshas, congshells, didgeridoos among others help us remember who we are. Entering the meditative state of complete neutrality - turiya - all that remains is unconditional love, simple being, alignment with innate nature.

As the sounds bring us into alignment, they remind us how it feels like when things are just good - paka - perfect. The more often we repeat this experience the more real it becomes to our being. The moment we remember how it actually feels like we become able to evoke this feeling at any time.

What happens in a sound healing process?

When I recently exchanged with various highly experienced and professional gong players how we once entered in the world of sound healing- basically all of us had a similar answer: Somehow I ended up going to a place / festival / yoga class where a sound bath was available and consciously I did not know much about it but subconsciously I was drawn to going there and making this experience.

It is our innate wisdom which seeks out certain paths for us. From within we know what is good for us or where we can find answers for what we are seeking.

This is a very important pillar in the process: we are taking responsibility for our own process and eventually healing when attending a sound bath session. It is not the other person healing us. The sound practitioner simply is holding the space and enabling the clients to make the experience for themselves.

Sound healing enables us to choose and come into our full being, enabling our potential and transforming ourselves, by being with ourselves.

What can a sound practitioner do to enable such transformative processes?

Also the sound practitioner was once deeply moved and drawn into accepting his / her role. Really learning, knowing and loving the instruments, keeping up with own practices and experiences, developing and embodying very high levels of sensitivity, empathy and compassion.

A professional sound practitioner strengthens the client by giving him power, by supporting the intention and affirmation work, creating and holding a neutral, safe and comfortable sacred space. By leaving anything personal behind when stepping into the role of playing for others.

What can I do to get the most out of a sound healing session?

Take your responsibility for yourself. Engage into self-care and self-love. Relax completely during the sessions and let the sound come to you and through you. Follow your own guidance and signs to find the optimal support in your process and journey. This might lead you to sound baths and can also include medical treatments, talks with friends, learning something new, whatever it is that shows up for you and resonates with you.

Trust your intuition and trust the process. It is not always comfortable when stretching the comfort zone but the more you step into authenticity and into enjoying and creating your life as you want, the better it will feel.

I know I could only cover a small (but very important!) aspect of all the many possible approaches to and experiences with sound healing. Feel free to share / ask / comment / agree / disagree / share.

However it is, I wish you the most magical and blessed transformations!


What is a Gong Meditation?