5 Books that paved my Path as Gong Artist + My current Read

During each one of my Initiation into Gong Playing Workshops I am asked for Gong-related books and there are a few amazing ones out there - yet gong playing is an art that you don’t learn by reading a book. It is rather a ritual, a certain spirit which transmits on a subliminal, almost subconscious level during our time and practice together.

But very definitely, there are a few books that paved my personal path as a Gong Artist and inspired my journey and purpose of my work which I would like to share with you today:

  1. One of the best Overviews to the Art of Sound Healing:

Jonathan Goldman - “Healing Sounds: The Power of Harmonics

“Everything is in a state of vibration. Everything is frequency. Sound can change molecular structure. It can create form. We realize the potential of sonic energy; we understand that virtually anything can be accomplished through vibration. Then, the miraculous seems possible. Through practice and experience with sacred intent, we can learn to shipft our own frequencies using harmonics.”

-Jonathan Goldman - “Healing Sounds: The Power of Harmonics

How does Sound Healing work? Which are the formulas for Sound healing? Can sound create light? These questions and many more are answered in this book. It provides a really great introduction and overview as a starting point to dive deeper into the topic.

And yes, sound is a gift to help us adjust to the frequency shifts that are occurring in our lives on so many levels and felt on a global scale.

2. The Meaning of all the beautiful Number Patterns you start to see everywhere? Doreen Virtue - “Angel Numbers 101

Number 9 is also regarded as a number of completion or the number of the gong:

“9 - Get to work, Lightworker - now! The number 9 means that you’ve completed all of the prerequisites to achieve your life purpose. Stop procrastinating, as it’s time to start taking action steps. Even baby steps are useful.” - Doreen Virtue - Angel Numbers 101

I enjoy having this book on my phone to spontaneously look up the meaning of any numbers from 1-999 whenever they happen to repeat or somehow draw my attention. It feels playful, I sometimes forget about it, and it sometimes creates fun little moments that make me smile.

The author, Doreen Virtue, had a massive shift in her beliefs and has taken most of her work out of print at this stage. A German version seems still available and I’ve seen that there are a few similar books out there now, which should also be great.

3. “Change your Mind - Change your Life” - Dr. Joe Dispenza - “Breaking the Habit of being Yourself

This book fascinated me so deeply, I even went to a “Progressive Workshop” held by Dr. Joe Dispenza in 2016 to dive even deeper into the content and reap the benefits to this very day.

It showed me how we continuously program our own reality and thus have all the power to change our lives into authentic ones which make us happy. Breaking the Habit of being Yourself offers solid information on the principles of energy, the power of intention, meditation and manifestation. For me personally, it was a deep dive into the principles mentioned by Jonathan Goldman in Healing Sounds: The Power of Harmonics and this book empowered me to understand my patterns and create a new version of my life which I like.

It is also available in German.

4. “Listen to your Instruments.” - Diane Mandle - “Ancient Sounds for a New Age: An Introduction to Himalayan Sacred Sound Instruments

Diane Mandle’s Introduction to Tibetan singing bowls, tingshas, ganta and dorje among others, fully resonates with my perception of sound healing as a practitioner and my perspective as a teacher for sound healing.

Her style is very intuitive and client-oriented. Her Introduction to Himalayan Sacred Sound Instruments in a 1:1 approach features a whole series of exercises you can practice using at least three metal singing bowls. Her work teaches a lot about energy directions and flow.

5. The Impact of Life Choices on our Health - Carolines Myss - “Anatomy of the Spirit

“We are not born fluent in love but we spend our life learning about it. Its energy is pure power. We are as attracted to love as intimidated by it. We are motivated by love, controlled by it, inspired by it, healed by it, and destroyed by it. Love is the fuel of our physical and spiritual bodies. Each of life’s challenges is a lesson in some aspects of love. How we respond to this challenges is recorded within our cell tissues: we live within the biological consequences of our biographical choices.”

- Caroline Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit, 4th Chakra

A very wise book about each of the chakras and how our life choices impact our health. A deep dive into our energy bodies and how we can influence our physical well-being through our spirit and mind. A deep inspiration.

+My current read: Angelika Selina Braun - “Finde deine eigene Medizin: Ein lichtschamanischer Wegweiser in die neue Zeit

“Das wirkliche, ursprüngliche Leben ist voller Magie.”

“The real, original life is full of magic.”

- Angelika Selina Braun - “Finde deine eigene Medizin: Ein lichtschamanischer Wegweiser in die neue Zeit

This book is only available in German for now yet has such beautiful and deep messages and transmits a marvellous energy. I couldn’t wait to share it with you even though I am only half way through myself.

The author is from Berlin, Germany (my main base) and spent many years in South America (my other home on this planet) living with a now 111 year old shaman in the Amazonas and writing down his wisdoms and life story. Some of the episodes of her first book “Taguarí” stayed in my mind as if I would have seen them in person, it feels deeply connected. Her new book “Finde deine eigene Medizin” (Find your own Medicine) is full of practical exercises which I am taking step by step enjoying the journey.

Is there any book missing from my list? Comment below or leave a message

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Universal Greeting as passed on to me by Don Conreaux


What is a Gong Meditation?